Saturday, August 2, 2008


It was one of those times when I almost didn't go because I wanted more sleep. Like many times before I learned really quick exactly why I was meant to be there.

Tuesday night I went to the monthly spiritual study at HIC. It was one of those things that I didn't really learn anything new but what I heard made some things fall and click into place. Experiences and feelings I had were validated. Who would have thought that a study about spacial beings would help with my sacral chakra assignment? Well, it did!

Blown away

Growing up I was frequently told I wasn't wanted wherever I was. The only time many people were happy to see me was when I was going to do something that benefited them. So I learned to do stuff for people so they would like me. This has continued on into my adult life. But, things are starting to change. This past year or so I've had more and more experiences where people have been happy to see me just because I am me. When this happens it still blows me away. Yesterday at work was genuinely bummed out that I wasn't sitting in my usual spot because she wanted to talk to me. Then when I went back in for a short shift someone else asked me to move my spot because she wanted me to sit by her. We were scheduled to get off at the same time but I was stuck on a call, and she still waited for me so we could walk out together. This made me feel so good. These small gestures may seem insignificant but they meant the world to me. Never underestimate the power of a kind word or deed however small it may be because it can make a difference in someone's life.