Thursday, August 9, 2007

Back from Ukraine

I'm back home. I got back home Tuesday evening around 9pm. The flights were good, I didn't sleep on the plane, airline food is not the best, airport security was tight... you know, all the normal travel stuff, blah blah blah blah..... Who really cares about that stuff anyhow? I am convinced that the people who ask just those types of questions really don't care, they are just asking to seem like they are interested.

Some people may have called my trip a disaster or a waste of money, but I think it was exactly what I needed. For the past year or so my views on the world and organized religion have been changing. I needed this trip to know for sure what I do and don't want in my life. I have decided I can not be affiliated with the Baptist church. I'm not saying all Baptists are bad, I've met some very good ones but I can no longer be a part of the church as a whole. I feel I can be a better agent for change in the world by being someplace else. I won't go into details because what purpose would that serve? I believe change will happen by understanding people where they are at, not requiring that people "repent" and come up to your level. Jesus was a wonderful example. Didn't he/she come down here to become one of us? For a very long time I've felt that most churches have missed the boat on the whole Jesus thing. Jesus came to be an example for us and much of the behavior I have witnessed in the "church" has not been Jesus like. Since I was a young child I knew something was not right and now I finally have the courage to stand on my own two feet and use my God given brain to think for myself. I've never been happier and full of true joy since I started on this path. I know certain people will not like it but it's my life.

I could go on and on and make this a huge tirade against the church, but instead of getting angry and getting other people angry I need to figure out what my next step is to help solve the problem.

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