Thursday, September 20, 2007


My bank account balance is less than favorable at the moment and the last thing I needed was a delay in starting a job...

I went for orientation at my new job today. I was told I would actually start working Wed or Thursday or possibly later. This was after I was told yesterday, by the same person, I would start Monday. They knew there was a delay in the orientation (was supposed to be Tuesday) so why didn't they at least do the background checks instead of waiting until after orientation. OR they should have more than one person who could do the orientation, it's not that hard to say sign this form, read this paper then answer these questions, read these books at home, and the pay dates are the 8th and 23rd of every month.

I wasn't too thrilled with orientation either. There was no explanation of the benefits they advertised in their Craigslist ad. Nor did they say if we had to come to the office to pick up our checks or give us any information about direct diposit. I didn't get a good vibe from the person doing orientation.

I'm not going to shoot myself in the foot and quit before I even start. But, I am looking at other jobs. I really didn't want to go back to the medical field but all signs are pointing there. I've applied for two heart monitor tech jobs as well as multiple unit secretary positions. The heart monitor tech positions want 1-2 years experince, well, I have almost 8, so very little training involved.

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