Friday, November 30, 2007

Parallel parking and it's parallel life lessons

Last night after work I was driving around trying to find a parking spot. I usually end up parking at the opposite end of the neighborhood from where I live. I don’t know what was going on in the neighborhood but there were no spots to park, so I thought. I almost went back to work because I didn’t want to get towed for parking in the wrong spot (they are notorious for towing in this neighborhood). As much as I love my job I loved my bed even more at that moment. I spotted a spot but it wasn’t big enough for my jeep, I even tried but couldn’t get in. I drove around some more and came back to the spot again. It took me nearly 15 min of slow and small movements but I wedged myself in.

The lesson here is to never give up. In this case I learned I am better at parallel parking that I thought and I got a much closer spot than usual. In life I have given up WAY too easily just because things have gotten hard. I thought getting into the parking spot was going to be hard, but it really wasn’t it just took time. I wonder how many times I’ve quit other things because I thought they were too hard but all they really needed was some slow, small movements and time? No use in living in the past because all I have is now. From now on I am not going to give up so easily

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Getting off the cycle of consumerism???????

I really do love my job, but I am ready for it to be done mid-January. This last week I’ve put in a good amount of overtime to help get the store ready for black Friday. I am amazed at the volume of garbage generated before products are sold. In just a couple of hours we filled two giant dumpsters and we were no where near done with all the pallets. I am tired of the consumerism that plagues our society. As I was working this morning (yes I was working Thanksgiving morning) I began to wonder what would happen if everyone bought just what they needed. What would the economic impact be? What stores would be left standing?

I find myself being challenged to do what I can in my corner of the world. I am more careful about what I buy. I now try to buy things that are environmentally friendly. I’ve always loved thrift stores and I greatly miss the ones in Mankato as there is only one within 15-20 miles. Thrift stores are great source of recycled items. I’m also becoming bothered by all the chemicals used in our food and cleaning products. When I get back to Mankato I am going to buy more natural foods, use natural cleaning products, and conserve energy.

I really feel like I’m being called to promote this kind of lifestyle. There are other things I am being called to mix in with this. I am seeking wisdom on the right mix of things. How far am I supposed to take things? Is it going to turn into a career?

Thursday, November 15, 2007


When I was a kid and went to summer camp I never understood the kids who cried all week because they were homesick. Now, I understand. I thought it was a feeling that would pass, but it hasn't after almost 4 months. I don't cry all the time but the feeling is still there. I miss chatting over a tin filled with fried dumplings with my friend Lee Sue and playing with her kids. I miss seeing and being in the physical presence of all those wonderful people at HIC. The internet is good for an occasional chat, but it's not the real thing.

In the timeframe of eternity it won't be long till I see them all again.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Update to the coworkers post

Saturday morning my boss came up to me and told me that some of my coworkers were in an uproar about my name being plastered all over the report. Of course I knew about it, but he didn't know I already knew about the letters. He said he had no problem with my performance and if he did he would talk to me about it.

On another work related note:

We have this thing where we get customers e-mail addresses and send them discount coupons. One of our jobs at the registers is to ask them if they want to be on the e-mail list. I am proud to say I have been the store champ since my first day there. The only days I didn't get the most were the days I didn't touch the registers. We are supposed to get 5 emails/shift and I got 14 Friday night. Do you want to guess how many the whole store got Friday? 14, and they all came from me. Another benchmark number for e-mails is 6%, meaning getting e-mails from 6% of the customers who come through our line. Saturday my percentage was 15.6%!!! I think it was higher today. Yes, I know it seems like I am bragging, that's because I am. I am finally THE BEST at something. I even am able to get e-mail addresses from people when I'm not working on the registers. I get them just by walking around the store talking to people. I get e-mails just because I'm me being myself. I am successful at my job because I am being myself. Just being me is valued and even being held up as an example to be followed. AAAAAHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh, it feels good.

Friday, November 9, 2007


For the most part I've always gotten along with my coworkers at all my former jobs. But, when it came down to it, when trouble would start brewing they would scatter and I'd be stuck. Tonight I just about cried when I found out at least two of my coworkers at World Market were fighting on my behalf. Last Sunday I had a secret shopper come through my line and it was one of those situations where items were priced wrong, it was a total mess, but in the end I made it work. As a result I only got a score of 50%. The secret shopper survey was posted in the breakroom and of course my name was all over it. Several of my coworkers were discussing it and saying how unfair it was that I was singled out and made to look bad when the situation was not as it appeared to be on paper. One of them happened to be right by me during the whole transaction and he said he was having trouble with the same items. Two of my coworkers wrote letters to the lead manager asking him to take down the surveys or at least black out my name. I've NEVER had anybody stick up for me like that.

A year or so ago the comments on the paper would have totally upset me and it would have taken me a long time to come back up. But I was able to brush off the comments because I know I am not what the comments said I am. As I started writing this blog entry I remembered a line from the Secret I've heard many times (I have the audio book on my MP3 player) which goes like this "When the voice and vision on the inside become more profound and clear than the opinions on the outside, then you have mastered your life." I think I am well on my way to mastering my life!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

It's a beautiful night

I don't always like having to park so far away after a long shift at work but sometimes it's worth it. Tonight was one of those nights I'm happy I had to park where I did.

The air was crisp (30 degrees), the sky was clear, and the stars were twinkling brightly. It was a beautiful sight. I don't know what it is but the crisp air seems to make the stars twinkle a little more than usual.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Is a person supposed to have this much fun at work?

This pic was taken of me at work. Yes, I was on the clock. We were playing around with various items while straightening up the store. I took a picture of Bianca with her phone and after she wanted to take a pic of me.