Thursday, December 27, 2007

A bright light--heartwarming news story

Imagine this: a 17 year old girl in New York missed a year of school due to severe stomach problems. Most people would be into to the "poor me" state of mind, but not this girl. She saw a need and as a result of her fund-raising efforts a new school has been built in Cambodia. (click on this blog title to read the news story)

I no longer read this type of story and say "good for her" and leave it at that. Instead I ponder about what I can do to change the world. In the 5 minutes since I read the article I have not come up with any grand plans, but I have come up with some interesting questions. Why are kids able to see a problem and find a solution so easily? They seem to not be distracted by all the "what ifs" and red tape. Maybe it has something to do with Jesus' statement in Matthew 18:3 "And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." What is it about children which makes it easier for them to enter the kingdom? Maybe it's because their thinking is not as tainted by the world yet as most adults? Maybe I'm thinking too much about this, maybe I and others just need to do; stop thinking and just do.

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