Friday, June 27, 2008

how true, but exactly one week late

every once in a while I take a peak at my horoscope. Yesterday I checked it on and this is what it said:

"Your Horoscope - Today, June 27, 2008
Some new spiritual concepts may be presented to you today and you might find them interesting enough to embark upon an intense study. Books could be brought to your attention, and you might want to take a class or attend some lectures, or both. Friends may join you in your new enterprise. This should be stimulating and enjoyable. The only downside: too much information may be hitting you at once. Make sure you take adequate notes."

This would have been perfect, LAST Friday, as it was the day my leadership class started. I was at a local coffee shop last night and showed this to a friend from the class and she laughed.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What brings you helium?

No I'm not talking about the gas they put in balloons. I'm talking about a feeling. What fills you up and gives you that floaty feeling?

During this next month one of my homework assignments is to keep a journal of the things that give me helium.

This is what I have so far:

*getting/giving hugs from the people who mean so much to me
*hashbrowns being just right at McDonald's
*all the glorious colors of fabric sitting on the dining room table
*walking into the quilt shop and seeing all the fabulous bolts of fabric
*being able to listen to just about any music I want on Rhapsody (well worth the monthly fee!!)
*seeing children playing and just being
*Katie and Lucy (the cats) greeting me at the door in the morning begging to be fed
*being able to help a customer at work with a difficult situation and having everything turn out better than we thought
*going to bed after a challenging night at work
*going out to lunch with my best friend and her paying
*brainstorming about why a new stove doesn't work then helping to fix it (it does help if the gas line is turned on)
*getting a way cool ATC in the mail from a craftster swap
*getting an envelope full of 1.5 inch fabric squares from a craftster swap
*waking up to the sounds of a steady rain hitting my window
*the sound of thunder
*watching a little girl trying to bite into a sandwich that is way bigger than her mouth
*the smell outside after the rain stops
*a long hot shower
*clothes right out of the dryer
*seeing an elderly man who was so cute and exuded pure love and light
*feeling the softness of my skin
*the smell of clean clothes right out of the dryer

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The future me

Last night I went to a spiritual book study. At the end we listened to a meditation that I had listened to at the leadership class on Saturday (but I slept through most of it). I won't explain much of it because as of now, I don't really understand it all. During one part it asked us to imagine ourselves 6 months from now. I'm not one who usually sees pictures with these sort of things but this time I did. I saw a picture of me weighing about 50 pounds (or more) less than I do now. I'll take it!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Roll Me Over Spirit

Umm yeah, it's been a while since I've updated.... Life happens..

I'm now in the leadership program at Hope Interfaith Center. In June 2009 I will become an ordained interfaith minister.

Because I love my lyrics to songs I think it would be fitting to start off with the lyrics to our class song. The tune resembles an old spiritual.

Roll me over Spirit
Take me away
Roll me over Spirit
Take me away
Open my mind
Open my eyes
open my heart to the
Me Inside

Down through my body
All around my soul
Spirit, Spirit
Make me whole
I wanna be flowing
I wanna be free
I wanna be living
The truth of me!