Thursday, June 26, 2008

What brings you helium?

No I'm not talking about the gas they put in balloons. I'm talking about a feeling. What fills you up and gives you that floaty feeling?

During this next month one of my homework assignments is to keep a journal of the things that give me helium.

This is what I have so far:

*getting/giving hugs from the people who mean so much to me
*hashbrowns being just right at McDonald's
*all the glorious colors of fabric sitting on the dining room table
*walking into the quilt shop and seeing all the fabulous bolts of fabric
*being able to listen to just about any music I want on Rhapsody (well worth the monthly fee!!)
*seeing children playing and just being
*Katie and Lucy (the cats) greeting me at the door in the morning begging to be fed
*being able to help a customer at work with a difficult situation and having everything turn out better than we thought
*going to bed after a challenging night at work
*going out to lunch with my best friend and her paying
*brainstorming about why a new stove doesn't work then helping to fix it (it does help if the gas line is turned on)
*getting a way cool ATC in the mail from a craftster swap
*getting an envelope full of 1.5 inch fabric squares from a craftster swap
*waking up to the sounds of a steady rain hitting my window
*the sound of thunder
*watching a little girl trying to bite into a sandwich that is way bigger than her mouth
*the smell outside after the rain stops
*a long hot shower
*clothes right out of the dryer
*seeing an elderly man who was so cute and exuded pure love and light
*feeling the softness of my skin
*the smell of clean clothes right out of the dryer

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