Saturday, July 26, 2008

Spirit didn't let up much

Well, Spirit eased up on the rolling me over, for a bit... I just got a BIG HUGE wake up call from the Holy Spirit. I was really struggling with a few issues and what did I do to help quiet them down? Yup, my old standby of fast food. In the last leadership class we wrote down what our addictions and hinderances were to becoming spiritual leaders. Guess what I wrote down? My addiction to fast food. You know the saying "Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it." Well, I got what I wished for, just not in the way I wanted it. I won't be eating fast food for a LONG LONG time, because I am broker than broke.

I'm a little ticked at myself for letting this happen, again. But this time I'm choosing to frame it in a different context. I know in my soul I needed this to happen this way. I was getting to a spot where I was getting too comfortable and I needed to be shaken up. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom in order to wake up from the dream, I'm there. This is my rock bottom.

I can't live the lies anymore, I need to speak my truth, I need to live my truth. I need to be ME not what other people tell me I need to be. Yes this is going to be hard, but I've got a great group of people around me that will hold me accountable and help me pick up the pieces and rebuild something even more beautiful.

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