Friday, October 26, 2007

Quick update-ok maybe not so quick

I know there are several people who check here for updates from me. Here is a quick one.

This past Monday nothing really special happened, thus ending my streak of amazing Mondays. I didn't go to my Weight Watchers meeting until Thursday (when I had the $$). I lost 2.4 pounds this past week. Now it's really hitting me that I am REALLY doing it this time. I've lost a total of 16 pounds in a little over 5 weeks. It will be interesting what will happen in the next few weeks as my body adjusts to this new and insane work schedule. I've already noticed BIG changes in my clothes. I pretty much NEED to buy a whole new wardrobe. Thankfully my work clothes consist of jeans, nice t-shirts and polo shirts (which happen to be on clearance from the summer months).

I am working at Costco 30 hours/week and World Market around 40 hours/week. Yes, that's 70 hours/week. I'm not sure when I'll be going to Weight Watchers meetings, I guess it will have to be a day when I have the morning or afternoon/evening off. Thankfully the local WW has meetings 7 days/week.

Today I went to fill out the paperwork at World Market. They said I could stay as long as I wanted to work after. YIPPPEEEE!!!!!!!!! I figured out tonight I pretty much earned a tank of gas for helping set up the Christmas gift wrap display. World Market, so far, seems like a pretty easy going and fun place to work. The pay is decent and the people are really nice. I think the only problem I'll have working there is not spending my entire paycheck. There are so many things I want. I'll really have to focus on what would be a wise use of my money. I just hope some things I have my eye on don't go on sale before I get my financial situation more in order. I get a 30% discount, even on top of the sale price. I think I may have mentioned this in another post... I love the music they play at the store. It's a great blend of just about everything I love to listen to. Today as I was stocking I was also dancing around with the music. I had such a blast!! The people I work with are so cool they probably don't think twice. Hey, it's more calories burned!!

One of my purposes in making the journey this year was to find spiritual communities. Before I left my intention was to find successful "churches" (for the lack of a better term) and see what made them tick. Over the past few weeks my definition of a spiritual community has changed. I'm still working out every thing in my mind so please forgive me if you don't quite understand it. Since we are all spiritual beings whenever two or more are gathered there is a spiritual community. So, I am looking at groups of people and making mental notes of what works and what does not work. So far some of the qualities of what I call a successful spiritual community are; respect, a common purpose or goal, respect, diversity (of opinion, race, genders, sexual orientation), and RESPECT. Did I mention respect? I have observed that if there is no respect the group falls apart or does not work well.

I've also have been thinking a lot about the word ONE. What does one mean? There is a song I keep listening to over and over again, it's called The Power of One and it's on the Evan Almighty soundtrack. Yes, I am going to post some music lyrics again.


1st Verse

One person refused to sit on the back of the bus
She changed the ride for all of us
Oh, that's the power of one

2nd Verse

Her diary found a light in the dark
A young girl's hope touched millions of hearts
Oh, that's the power of one


('Cause) one grain of sand can turn the tide
One single spark can light the night
One simple dream
One gentle word
One act of love from someone
Can start a chain reaction
It all begins in the heart
And the power of one (oh, no)

3rd Verse

All the others who stoned, he didn't judge
He moved the world with the strength of his love
Oh, that's the power of one

(Repeat Chorus)

4th Verse

All the little things we do every day
The smallest step can bring on a change
Oh, that's the power of one

(Repeat Chorus)


The power of one
The power of one
It's the power of one
Oh, it's the power of one
Oooh, oooh
It's the power of one
The power of one
Hey, yeah, yeah, oh, oh

I'll leave you to ponder these lyrics. I am headed off to bed. 4am comes VERY early.

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