Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I'm off

I'm leaving in a few min. to go to church to meet my ride to go to the airport. I'll update when I get to Ukraine.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Love in Action

My goal for the next year is to visit spiritual communities and find out how they do things. Are they there just because they have always been there? Or, are they there because they want to make a difference? Do they do things out in the community to look good and "ingnore" their members? Or, do they take care of their own? I want to get at the core of what makes spiritual communities tick and work well.

Today I saw a perfect example of spiritual community comming together to take care of one of their own. Today I helped several people pack up and move all the stuff from a woman's apartment. This woman was unable to do it herself so without question, people from HIC came together, packed up the apartment and put it all in storage. It was hot and humid but everyone kept working and in 2.5 hours everything was done.

I think this was a great way to start off my journey; seeing love in action. Throughout the next year I hope to find many more examples of this type of love. As I see this love in action it teaches me how to love. As I love more my outlook on life changes. Those stories I tell myself about people (even though I don't know them) are changing, instead of looking on the outward appearance I find myself looking at them through eyes of love and it is with those eyes I can truely see their soul.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The travel shirt saga

There is another YouTube video for you to watch. Just click on the post title and you can view it and maybe have a chuckle or two while you're at it.

I was packing my stuff for Ukraine and I could not find my travel shirt. This shirt is VERY important as it is pretty much a free pass through customs in Ukraine, speeds up airport security, and helps you find the group in a crowded foreign airport. I thought I had put it in the bags with all my other Ukraine travel gear but as I found out, I did not. I knew it was in my storage locker somewhere but as you will see in the video the locker is a bit full and unorganized. Did I find the shirt? You will have to watch to find out.

First YouTube video

I got my digital camera today. I did a brief video diary. I hope this works. I think you can click on the title of the post to view the video.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Another chapter was finished today

No, I'm not talking about the new Harry Potter book (I've never read a single page of any of the books). Today was my last day at my full-time job. At times I wondered what the heck I was doing by quiting my job but things keep happening which remind me of why I was not happy there anymore. My heart was not there and has not been since last fall/winter. It's like it needed to be free but it took someone else to give me a kick in the pants to get me to finally do it. Today several people asked me if I was sad or if I would miss working there. The truth is no, I really won't miss it. I need to be somewhere else. How can you be happy when you know that?

I don't have anything lined up for a job yet, and oddly enough I am totally at peace about it all.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Time is moving so fast

WOW, July 13th is almost over!! It's hard to believe July is almost half over. I leave for Ukraine in 1.5 weeks. I'm so much more calm and relaxed about the trip this year. I have not started packing yet and I'm not sure where my travel shirt is. I know it's somewhere in the storage locker, I'm pretty sure it's in one of my giant duffel bags. While moving so suddenly a few weeks ago I did have enough sense to put all my Ukraine stuff in the bags and put the bags in an easily accessible spot in the storage locker. I need to go get them this weekend as I am getting more stuff on Thursday from Pastor Dave to pack. With such a small group going this year we are really going to be pushing it on the airlines weight limit. I think I'll end up with a lot of stuff in my carry on. Thankfully the airlines let you have a purse/briefcase in addition to a regular carry on bag. I really wanted to bring over a giant thing of bubbles this year, something they really don't have much of. But thanks to the liquid restrictions for carry ons I won't be able to bring them. Oh, I just remembered, there are these bubble wands with the soap already on them all you have to do is dip them in water. I'll have to see if I can find them.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Why the name "Goddess on Wheels"?

The name "Goddess on Wheels" came to me via a card I received from my friend and spiritual teacher, Hope. The card said "May you always Remember who you ARE! A Goddess on wheels!"

The card was written before I made my decision what I want to do after I leave my job on the 20th of this month and come back from Ukraine August 7th. The card came along with 19 others from the Hope Interfaith Center (HIC). At each monthly spiritual study the attendees write cards to the three people whose names are written on the white board. At the study last week I was one of those three people listed on the board. As people filter in for the study Hope tells them about the people listed and what situation they are in. As of last Tuesday I only had fleeting ideas here and there of what I wanted to do with my life come August. During the study an idea came to me; drive around the US for a year seeking out spiritual communities and come back to Mankato next fall to start the leadership class at HIC. I plan on working with temp agencies in various cities. I am starting off in Omaha, Nebraska. Why Omaha? I'm not quite sure, it just came to me. I'll decided where to go next when I get to Omaha. My initial plan is to head out West and make a huge loop around the US, ending back in Mankato next Fall.

Yes, I am going to keep up this blog during the journey. I plan on taking pictures and posting some videos on youtube.

Why the dragonfly?

While on a retreat at my friend Mel's house we drew animal medicine cards. I had drawn these before but none have ever resonated with me quite like the dragonfly. The following description of the symbolism of the dragonfly is from

Illusion, the Power of Light
Dragonfly is the power of light. The dragonfly inhabits two realms: air and water and the influence of both these elements will be felt by Dragonfly people. They will be emotional and passionate during their early years (the influence of water) and more balanced with greater mental clarity and control in as they mature (the influence of air).

Dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change, the messages of wisdom and enlightenment; and the communication from the elemental world. Dragonfly medicine beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which need changing. Call on Dragonfly to guide you through the mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation. The number 2 is important to Dragonfly, so think in terms of two year periods when you begin a change. Dragonfly brings the light and color of transformation into your life.