Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Love in Action

My goal for the next year is to visit spiritual communities and find out how they do things. Are they there just because they have always been there? Or, are they there because they want to make a difference? Do they do things out in the community to look good and "ingnore" their members? Or, do they take care of their own? I want to get at the core of what makes spiritual communities tick and work well.

Today I saw a perfect example of spiritual community comming together to take care of one of their own. Today I helped several people pack up and move all the stuff from a woman's apartment. This woman was unable to do it herself so without question, people from HIC came together, packed up the apartment and put it all in storage. It was hot and humid but everyone kept working and in 2.5 hours everything was done.

I think this was a great way to start off my journey; seeing love in action. Throughout the next year I hope to find many more examples of this type of love. As I see this love in action it teaches me how to love. As I love more my outlook on life changes. Those stories I tell myself about people (even though I don't know them) are changing, instead of looking on the outward appearance I find myself looking at them through eyes of love and it is with those eyes I can truely see their soul.

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