Thursday, August 16, 2007


I was going to work on my storage locker today but plans changed when I got a phone call at 8am. It was Labor Ready and they asked me if I wanted to work today. Sure, why not. The pay was not the best but it was money and I got cash today. All day I assembled various computer circuit boards. You know all those little pieces you see if you look at a mother board or something similar? I was putting those little pieces into the boards. It gives me a whole new appreciation for the work that goes into those things. I was asked to come back tomorrow and I get to bring my mp3 player with me. Since the work is pretty mind numbing I had plenty of time to think today and tomorrow I get to listen to "The Secret" and the session I had with Hope on Tuesday (I ripped it from the CD and burned to my mp3 player). Getting paid to listen to the stuff I would listen to anyhow during the day; now that's what I call the good life.

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