Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Impermanent Things-more song lyrics and thoughts

What can I say, I love song lyrics. I've been thinking a lot about stuff and what physical objects are really necessary in my life. As I am packing everything up for my journey I find I need a lot less than what I started out thinking I needed. My goal for tomorrow (well actually today) is to see if I can get everything I need into the two wheeled duffel bags, one backpack, a small crate and cooler to hold food and bedding. I was inspired in this line of thinking by a Dr. Wayne Dyer PBS special I saw Saturday night. It was based off the Tao Te Ching, which I have been reading off and on. During the show he talked about getting rid of all his stuff from his condo/office on Maui; he got rid of EVERYTHING and never looked back. So that started me thinking about what would happen if I got rid of everything. I'm not going to get rid of everything in my storage locker just yet, but I am, in a sense getting rid of everything and starting a new life. So, I think I am going to take minimal supplies and clothes and then buy only what is absolutly necessary along the way.

Now for the song lyrics which inspired me to write this post in the first place. Just a few min. ago, while playing an online game, a song popped into my head. The song is Impermanent Things by Peter Himmelman. I love his music because his lyrics are usually very deep and thought provoking. Here are the lyrics:

Impermanent Things
From the album From Strength to Strength (1991)

All these impermanent things
Oh how they fool me
Dominate and rule me
They keep me waiting here forever
All these impermanent things
Well their beauty's never aging
But their worthlessness's enraging
You know we all stand alone when we're together

Why keep hanging on
To things that never stay
Things that just keep stringin' us along
From day to day

All these impermanent things
Present yet elusive
Passive yet abusive
Tearing out the heart in utter silence
All these impermanent things
Well they point in all directions
Like secondhand reflections
And they're leading us to subtle shades of violence

Why keep hanging on
To things that never stay
Things that just keep stringin' us along
From day to day

All these impermanent things
Well they're trying to convince me
Baptize my soul and rinse me
Purge my mind of honesty and fire
All these impermanent things
Well they all add up to zero
They make-believe that they're my hero
Then they fill my mind with doubt and false desires

Why keep hanging on
To things that never stay
Things that just keep stringin' us along
From day to day

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