Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where is she now?

Well, the Goddess On Wheels has moved on from Omaha. I am now in Louisville, KY. I had an offer to come stay at Aalia's house so I took her up on it and here I am. I got the offer around ll:15am yesterday and left Omaha around 11:45. The only reason it took me that long was because I had to look up directions and write them down. I had nothing to pack since all of it was in my Jeep. With all the necessary stops the whole trip took me just under 12 hours. Nothing too exciting happened. A few miles after I got out of St. Louis I saw a sign saying Louisville was 250 miles away. So I go to set my odometer and I saw a light blinking that said "Check the guages" and I find the oil gauge is doing something funny. It quickly returned back to normal but was still moving around some. I just happened to be driving past one of those strip of car dealers so I pulled in figuring there had to be a mechanic around there somewhere who could at least check it out. I pulled in and found a Jeep dealer. I walked in and quickly figured out there was no mechanic but there were two very nice men who asked me a few questions and quickly determined there was nothing really wrong. The only thing they warned me about was if the check engine light came on and then I was supposed to pull over right away. Well, duh, I would have pulled over anyhow if they had not said that but thanks for the adivice. I was counting my blessings that it was nothing serious and I had AAA. As I got back on the road the gauge was still acting a little funny and was still making me uneasy. So I did what any good Reiki person would do; I did Reiki on Jeep and asked Archangel Raphael to help heal it. Guess what, it stabilized and didn't move much for the next couple of hours. It started moving around more about an hour away from my destination so I did some more Reiki and again it stabilized. I don't care what people say, Reiki helped my Jeep.

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