Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's so good to be home

I know many people who are reading this (if you have been reading please leave a comment so I know you were here, click on the little envelope at the end of the post) have heard me say this before, but I am so glad I'm home. Home for me is being surrounded by people who get me, and I get them.

Wednesday morning I went to HIC and saw dearest Penny and got a great big hug. I knew everything was going to be ok again. As I was meditating all the physical issues I was having as a result of the traveling went away. I felt whole again after I left there, a feeling I missed for the previous two weeks.

I went to visit with Hope and Penny Thursday afternoon. Joni happened to be there too. It's always good to see her, she was the first person to greet me the first time I attended a Spiritual Service. Anytime I see any of the people from HIC is a good time. The energy that comes from everyone is so uplifting.

Today was a little bittersweet when I went to the Spiritual Service, I won't be there for a few months. I love being around everybody! The hugs are great and the energy level is out of this world!! After the service several of us went to Pub 500 and today I learned about colors and the 7 rays and ascended masters from one of the women who is in the current leadership class. I was very interested in what she was saying because I have been reading about colors and auras all weekend. After I'm done with this I am going to do some more Googling on the topic.

1 comment:

Anima Sola said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog; I'm always interested in reading what's going on with other spiritual travelers -- and yes -- many similarities between my journey and Sue Monk Kidd's from The Dance of the Dissedent Daughter.
Peace to you!